Return Policy

We accept returns within 7 days of receipt, only if their delivery packaging has not been opened or the products are damaged or wrong product. Please notify us and return the box in its original packaging. In such instances, we will endeavour to send you another or refund the payment.

We can only accept returns of products that have not been tampered with, are sealed and remain in the original packaging. If all these conditions are met, please ship your products back to us using a registered courier service and we will issue a full refund. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned shipments if the product has been used or tampered with. Shipping & Handling fees are non-refundable.

Refunds Policy

Refunds will be made onto the original mode of payment and will be processed within 10 to 45 days depends on the issuing bank of the credit card

Refunds will be issued based on the following:

The wrong product was sent by the merchant
The product is defective
The product was damaged in shipping
The product is tampered
No refund will be issued on opened or used products.